EPUB, Files with .epub extension are an e-book file format that provide a standard digital publication format for publishers and consumers. The format has been so common by now that it is supported by many e-readers and software applications. For example, on Mac OS, the pre-installed Books software provides the support for opening such files. In addition, there are a lot of compatible software available for smartphones, tablets and computers. EPUB file standards are maintained by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). The version EPUB 3 is also endorsed by the Book Industry Study Group (BISG), a leading book trade association for standardized best practices, research, information and events, for packaging of content.
Absolutely FREE online service. There is no extra cost to use it. You can convert as many files as you like. No need to downloading and installing additional apps/extension on your computer.
We are not storing your content on our servers. Your files are automatically deleted from our servers instantly after the conversion process. We guarantee file security and privacy.
Your files are converted using our powerful conversion servers. In most of the cases, the conversion process takes less time than it would take if you used your computer.
Unlike other services, our online service has no limit on the number of files you can convert. Convert as many as you want. You don’t even need to register or login to our website.
We are using high quality conversion algorithms, so you won't lose quality during the file conversion. Your converted output file retains same quality and effects of original file.
We supports more than 200 file formats, more than any other online converter and the number keeps growing. Support nearly all document, image, video, audio and ebook formats.