Step 1 - Select a file(s) to convert
Step 2 - Convert your files to
Step 3 - Start converting

Your file will be uploaded to DigitalOfficePro storage. By using this service, you agree to the DigitalOfficePro Terms of Use.

Convert your ODT File to TXT Format

Our free ODT to TXT online converter is the easiest way to convert ODT files to TXT format. The best online web-based app to transform ODT's into high-quality TXT format within seconds. No file size limit and no registration or login required. Choose your ODT file, click convert, then download your converted file without the burden of installing additional software on your PC. Our free online ODT to TXT converter is 100% secure and super fast and also works on all computers and mobile devices with active internet access - regardless of the operating system you have.

  • File extension
  • .odt
  • Category
  • Description
  • ODT files are type of documents created with word processing applications that are based on OpenDocument Text File format. These are created with word processor applications such as free OpenOffice Writer and can hold content such as text, images, objects and styles. The ODT file is to Writer word processor what the DOCX is to Microsoft Word. Several applications including Google Docs and Google’s web-based word processor included with Google Drive can open the ODT files for editing. Microsoft Word can also open ODT files and save it in to other formats such as DOC and DOCX.
  • Actions
  • ODT Converter
  • Technical Details
  • Associated programs
  • Microsoft Office 2007,Microsoft Office 2010,OpenOffice Writer
  • Developed by
  • Sun Microsystems
  • MIME type
  • application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
  • File extension
  • .txt
  • Category
  • Description
  • A file with .TXT extension represents a text document that contains plain text in the form of lines. Paragraphs in a text document are recognized by carriage returns and are used for better arrangement of file contents. A standard text document can be opened in any text editor or word processing application on different operating systems. All the text contained in such a file is in human-readable format and represented by sequence of characters.
  • Actions
  • TXT Converter
  • Technical Details
  • Associated programs
  • Notepad,TextEdit,WordPad
  • Developed by
  • N/A
  • MIME type
  • text/plain

Free ODT File Conversion Tools

Free for Everyone

Our online service is absolutely FREE! There are no hidden costs, and you can convert as many files as you like. No need to download or install additional apps or extensions on your computer.

100% Secure

Your content is never stored on our servers. Files are automatically deleted from our servers immediately after the conversion process. We guarantee your file's security and privacy.

High-Speed Conversion

Your files are processed using our powerful conversion servers. In most cases, the conversion takes less time than it would if you used your own computer.

No Limitations

Unlike other services, our platform imposes no limits on the number of files you can convert. Convert as many as you want—no registration or login required.

Quality Output

We use high-quality conversion algorithms to ensure that you won't lose quality during the file conversion process. Your converted output file retains the same quality and effects as the original file.

Support 100+ Formats

We support over 200 file formats, more than any other online converter. From documents and images to videos, audio files, and eBooks, our service has you covered—and we’re continuously adding more formats.